Hello Kitty is a Japanese cartoon character who was designed specifically with merchandise in mind, though there is also an anime cartoon series. To the Dutch Hello Kitty is reminiscent of ‘Miffy’ (Nijntje) a cartoon character that also doesn’t have a mouth (or nose) a stylized version of a rabbit. Hello Kitty is of course a cat or kitten. What more can we say about Hello Kitty except that she’s cute and pink and wildly popular?
Here’s a range of Hello Kitty calendars and date books for you to take home.
Hello Kitty Calendars and Planners
Hello Kitty Wall Calendar
This 16 month Hello Kitty Wall Calendar has a month to a view and features a new Hello Kitty picture for each month. Also includes 4 bonus months from September.
Size Opened: 22.0 ” x 12.0 “
Hello Kitty Pocket Planner
This is a Two Year Hello Kitty Planner in a small size that will fit into any purse. It has a month across two pages, plus plenty of space for notes.
Size Closed: 6.25 ” x 3.75 “
Hello Kitty Hardcover Engagement Calendar
This Hello Kitty Hardcover Engagement Planner has a month plus week to a view, a contacts section plus a storage pocket.
Size Closed: 8.5 ” x 7.0 “
Hello Kitty Mini Wall Calendar
This Hello Kitty Mini Wall Calendar covers all year, plus September through December of the previous year. Each spread features a Hello Kitty Picture plus a monthly grid.
Size Opened: 6.5 ” x 13.5 “
The cute and sweet little kitty that has been so very popular over several decades can be found each year in calendar and planner forms. All you need to do is choose the one or two that works best for you in your planning and scheduling for the year.
See also the Hello Kitty Advent Calendar!